Wednesday, August 4, 2010


hahaha. i know my pod song is just another typical chinese emo ballad and my music video is uncreative and certain parts are similar to our previous CD (character development) and/or our dvpt2 video.. yup i get feedback about that as well. hahaha.

sad to know there's nothing special about it, :( honestly i feel my mind is absolutely not creative. oh well. pod presentation on 10august now. hope everything goes well and people dont get too cheenafied and bored *fingers crossed*


  1. Hi I actually quite like the song.
    Stupid emo songs sells and relieve people of their pain where they are in love.
    look forward to see the video.
    The mix can be improved though. make the snare brighter for a start and how come this song seem diff from demo you sedn me a while back?

  2. Hi Glow!

    hmm yeah but i feel my song very typical and nothing new about it. the song that i uploaded is actually the demo and everything is midi. but yup will take note of that for my final mix! (:
