Monday, November 29, 2010

Drums Recording...

Recorded drums on friday. Quite insane. Had jonathan to help me play drums, once again.. and dingchao daniel and yinghao were there to help. THANKS SO MUCH GUYS! (:

At first, we wanted to use 12 mics: kick, subkick, hi hat, snare top, snare bottom, tom1, 2 and 3, ride, and overheads left and right, and room mic. But after setting up everything we remembered studio C had only 8 inputs so.. gave up the ride, snare bottom, room mic and tom2.

All that setup time took far longer than i expected, almost 2 hours before we started recording. But jon's really good, he just kept listening and practicing over and over, and completed it almost perfectly in 2 takes :D

Now I'm down to mixing, recording guitar and vocals, arranging abit more and then scoring. ONE MORE WEEK!

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